Governance Guidelines/Resources » Upcoming ACSA Elections

Upcoming ACSA Elections

ACSA Region 16 is looking for members who would like to become involved with Region 16 leadership.  All interested candidates are asked to submit a written statement (150 words or less) via this Google Form link


NOMINATIONS ARE DUE: Friday, February 17, 2023


Officers up for nominations for the 2023-2024 year are:


  • President-Elect

Responsibilities: Oversee and assist the chairperson of Region 16. Membership in fulfilling his/her assignments. Work with the Vice-President-Programming in the timely scheduling and publicizing of Region events.   Serve as an aide to the President and assume other assignments as requested by the President.   Chair the annual Awards Committee and Awards Banquet.  Assist the President and serve in his or her absence in all duties pertaining to the office.

Vice-President, Programming

Responsibilities: Oversee and/or take charge of Region program planning and shall keep the President informed of all plans for programs.  Provide leadership for the Region Directors in support of their discharge of their duties as Directors.  Serve as chairperson on the Region Bylaws Revision Committee which shall be convened as needed. In the event that there is an active bylaw committee, the role of updating the bylaws, noting the official change dates and archiving the documents will fall to the bylaw committee. The chair of the bylaw committee shall designate one person who will be responsible for these tasks. The Region 16 Bylaws Revision Committee shall be responsible for both the Bylaws and the Policies and Procedures. Assume other assignments as requested by the President.

  • Secretary

Responsibilities: Keep an accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and the Representative Council and be responsible for their timely distribution as well as preservation. Perform all other duties which customarily pertain to the office of secretary, including sunshine.  Obtain and maintain an accurate membership roster for Region 16. By July 1 of each year, the region secretary shall create an official membership list of Executive Committee members. The list shall be used for all mailings and notifications to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the following: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Legislation, VP Programming, seven (7) Directors, Membership Chairperson, Region 16 members of the ACSA State Delegate Assembly including the Region 16 representative to the State Board of Directors, State Committee Chairperson, Region Past-Presidents and others appointed by the President.  In the event that there is no active bylaw committee, the role of the secretary shall include: 1) officially updating the bylaws with any approved changes, 2) noting the date of the official change both in the header of the bylaws (DD/MM/YYYY) and with notation at the end of the bylaws and 3) ensuring the most updated version has been provided to the webmaster and the historian for archival purposes.


  • Membership Chairperson/ Member Services

Purpose: To recruit, retain and recognize members. To identify trends and issues with membership categories that may require changes or adjustments. To support and help grow ACSA’s Partner4Purpose program in order to further meet the needs of members. To monitor and ensure that region and charter bylaws align with state ACSA bylaws and that region and charters are in compliance with these regulations.

  • Board of Directors (4 positions)

Job Duties: Serve on the Executive Board and the Region Representative Council.  Be responsible for providing orientation to and generally assisting Region committee chairpersons as assigned by the Region President.  Assist the Region Treasurer on the Region Budget Committee.  Serve on the Region Nominating-Election Committee.  Serve on the Region By-Laws Revision Committee if it is convened.  Perform all other duties which customarily pertain to these duties.

  • Career Technical Education Council

Purpose: The purpose of the ACSA Career Technical Education Council is to support administration and ensure relevant high quality CTE programs that prepare PreK-adult students for successful transition to careers and post-secondary education through: core integrated curriculum, legislation, advocacy, professional development, communication and collaboration. 

  • Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability Leaders Council

Purpose: To identify and study issues and make recommendations on practices, policies, and positions to ACSA’s leadership and staff and to state agencies relating to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and accountability. To identify and disseminate best practices for administrators who work in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and accountability, to ensure student-centered instruction and services, which prepare all students to compete in an international society. To plan, develop, and coordinate professional learning programs, electronic media, and publications related to council business. To maintain liaison with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), including nominating WASC commissioners. To review all non-ACSA requests to conduct research using ACSA records. To maintain liaison with state agencies and other organizations which impact curriculum, instruction, accountability, interventions, assessment, and evaluation. To assist in ACSA membership recruitment.

  • Middle Grades Education Council

Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to middle grades administrators and to recommend practices and policies which will lead to high quality programs for young adolescents. To strengthen a network for communication among middle grades administrators. To plan, provide, and encourage professional development programs for middle grades administrators. To assist in the recruitment of middle grades administrators as ACSA members. To encourage interaction and support between ACSA, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the California Department of Education, and other organizations and agencies promoting the interests of middle grades education.

  • Elementary Education Council

Purpose: To identify and study issues related to elementary and pre-school administrators. To recommend best practices and policies and to serve as advocates for high quality programs for all elementary and pre-school children. To serve as a forum in which elementary and pre-school administrators may resolve issues related to their professional efforts. To serve as a representative of elementary and pre-school administrators in meeting the goals and priorities of ACSA. To provide representation and leadership from ACSA to NAESP. To assist in the recruitment of elementary and pre-school administrators as ACSA members. To plan and coordinate professional growth opportunities for elementary and pre-school administrators.

  • Secondary Education Council

Purpose: To identify and study issues and make recommendations to ACSA Board of Directors related to secondary education. To recommend practices and policies which will lead to high quality programs for secondary students. To recruit secondary administrators as members and to maintain a liaison between ACSA, NASSP, C.I.F., and other state agencies relating to secondary education. To plan and coordinate professional development programs and networking opportunities for secondary administrators.

  • Human Resources Council

Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to professionals responsible for personnel, employer/employee relations and other human resources programs. To provide leadership, direction, clarification, and understanding in such areas as personnel practices, employer-employee relationships, fair and equal employment practices, contract management, negotiations, retirement, legislation, credentials, management team concept, individual rights, and staff-related issues. To plan, provide, and encourage in-service training for administrators in this area, and to maintain liaison between ACSA and the American Association of School Personnel Administrators. To assist in the recruitment of personnel, employer/employee relations and other human resources administrators as ACSA members. To promote the training and recruitment of individuals of diverse backgrounds as human resources administrators. To promote the highest standard of ethical conduct, assist local school administrators, and to assure due process to all members of ACSA.

  • Student Services & Special Education Council

Purpose: The Council supports administrators in the areas of special education, student services, and coordinated youth services by: advocating best practices, policies, and legislation to ensure high quality positive student programs, improving collaboration and communication between general education, student services, special education, and other support agencies and organizations, facilitating the development and understanding of current trends and financial issues related to their impact on student programs and services, planning and coordinating timely and meaningful professional development offerings for new and experienced school administrators, championing equity and inclusive practices to ensure access for each student, be an advisor to other ACSA Council, Committees, and ACSA Leadership, and assisting in ACSA membership recruitment.

  • Superintendency Council

Purpose: To identify and study issues related to the role and responsibilities of superintendents and proactively advocate for solutions. To strengthen a network for communication among superintendents. To be proactive in representing the viewpoints and vision of superintendents on critical education issues with a view toward influencing policy and practice at the local, state, and national levels. To plan strategies and practices which will influence the quality of education for all California students. To voice the critical need for stable, sound finance for educating California’s children. To represent superintendents in ACSA’s relations with the Governor’s office, Legislature, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction. To plan and coordinate professional development activities for superintendents and activities to enhance professional development of administrators and all school district positions. To encourage the active participation of superintendents and all other management team members in ACSA. To maintain a liaison relationship with AASA and other state organizations and agencies

  • Co-Administration Committee

Purpose: To educate and empower co-administrators and aspiring administrators (vice-principals, assistant principals, deans, coordinators, etc.) in their role as instructional leaders within their schools and communities. To promote networking and increase communication among administrators and aspiring administrators. To provide access to professional development and mentoring experiences. To increase awareness of the co-administrator's role and the importance of that role. To be mindful of the social & emotional wellness of students and staff.

  • Equity Committee

Purpose: To build the capacity in equity leadership and cultural proficiency of all educators within the organization and throughout the state of California to effectively eliminate all equity gaps.  In order to accomplish this purpose we will identify and research issues related to equity and diversity, develop strong recruitment and retention policies and practices to grow membership, recommend policies, practices, and resources which lead to quality instructional/educational programs and services, assist in the development of programs, resources, and materials to help leaders effectively respond to equity issues, establish partnerships and communication links, and assist the board in implementing aspects of the association strategic plan.

  • Retirement Committee

Purpose: To provide leadership, direction, clarification, and understanding of the California State Teachers’ and California Public Employees’ Retirement Systems to all ACSA members. To actively work with other members of the retirement coalition to protect and enhance the benefits of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System. To investigate and to promote legislation that positively impacts or affects members of both systems. To encourage the continued participation, involvement and service of retired ACSA members in the cause of protecting and advocating for retired member pensions. To strengthen a network of communication among ACSA retirees.

  • Urban Education Committee

Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to urban education. To emphasize the need to improve educational opportunity for children in urban school districts. To identify and articulate the unique concerns of administrators in urban school districts. To recommend solutions and/or courses of action to deal with problems and needs of urban schools. To identify and study issues and make recommendations on practices, policies, and positions to ACSA’s leadership and staff and to state agencies/legislators related to Urban Education.

  • Leadership Development Committee

Purpose: Working with the board, define association leadership needs, set criteria and requirements, and then build programs, training and orientation strategies, mentoring/coaching opportunities, and other tasks that effectively develop leadership at the region, council/committee and board levels.